
Trying not to buy more stuff

Since I turned 30, I have been trying to make some space around myself. I am really bad about letting things go... So I decided not to get more new stuff...

How I have been doing??? Well, you know, I am really bad about this.

Yes, I bought new clothes on sale yesterday.

Yes, I bought some 'Roman Holiday' DVD since it cost only 380 yen!

No, I haven't gonr through my closet yet...

Yes, I bought another backpack last week. I had had it in mind but couldn't buy since it costs a lot bought brandnew.

And this time, I found a nice used one costing 1/3 of the original price. (trying to make an excuse).

How is everyone doing with making some space around you?

2 件のコメント:

Tiffany Ochsner さんのコメント...

cute! back pack :) I understand. it's hard to resist good deals. Bravo for trying! lol :)Love you're blog!

drueck さんのコメント...

One of my friends forwarded me a link to a site that was interesting the other day: storyofstuff.com

It's all about how much stuff is being made right now and how it is all made to be disposable and outdated immediately so we have to keep buying more, and how bad that is for the environment, etc. It was really interesting to watch. I've been trying to keep that in mind lately, too, and trying to not buy as much stuff, reuse the stuff I have, and try to recycle as much as I can of what I don't want to keep around anymore. I think I'm doing ok, but it's partly because I don't have any money to buy anything anyway! :)